A Message From Our Chairman Orysia Kossak-Cardoso:
March 6, 2022
Statement of the UIMA Board of Directors
The unprecedented military attack by Russian forces on a sovereign European State has galvanized the world to support Ukraine and its resilient people.
The odious Kremlin regime under an autocratic, demagogic leader, is now completely unmasked at the multilateral, national and society level.
As the onslaught and invasion progresses with ever increasing momentum,
The Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art stands with the people of Ukraine, and condemns the slaughter and loss of innocent lives, the destruction of cultural & historic landmarks, artefacts, and architecture which is in essence the on-going systematic annihilation of Ukraine’s cultural heritage.
Adding to the humanitarian crisis is a threat to irreplaceable cultural heritage, abundant in a nation home to seven world heritage sites.
Most recently we received news of the destruction of the Ivankiv Historical Museum which housed works by world famous folk artist Maria Prymachenko, known for her colorful, expressive and “primitive style.” In recent years, UIMA, in collaboration with Chicago Kyiv Sister Committee, was in discussion with the Kyiv City Administration to host an exhibit of some of this artist’s works.
Daily missile attacks and destruction have also targeted Memorials as most recently the Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial outside Kyiv.
Cultural preservation is vital, because culture itself is vital to our shared future.
The destruction we are witnessing of Ukrainian Heritage is an attack on our very past and present.
The vitality and beauty of Ukraine’s art, architecture, literature, and music has flourished for centuries; its museums, churches, architecture represents some of the most revered in Europe.
If we seek to attain a peaceful coexistence between people of all cultures, faiths and nationalities, we must first understand ourselves and others.
When we lose irreplaceable history and culture, it is a profound loss to all of us.
If however we work together to celebrate, share, understand and protect cultural heritage, we are ensuring the triumph of our humanity and its continued existence.
UIMA Board of Directors
Orysia Kossak-Cardoso