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The Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art had the privilege of hosting a memorable evening of poetry on November 1, 2013. Marcia Pradzinski and Friends, including poets from Alice George’s Serious Play workshop, presented a lively evening of poetry readings and interactive creativity on. A total of eight poets shared their insights and musings–ranging from childhood memories to travel images to sci-fi imaginings–to an appreciative audience. The audience was provided with blank paper and a pencil and was instructed to doodle–draw and pull out words from the reading. Alice cited studies that show that doodling can help enhance retention and focus on material. the audience created short poems from their doodles and also sketched as they walked around the Institute’s remarkable exhibits.  At the end of the evening, the audience once again shared their ‘found’ poems.

Marcia J. Pradzinski is an award-winning poet who grew up in Ukrainian Village and Alice George is a widely published poet and visual artist. Poets reading included Marcia Pradzinski, Alice George, Susan Auld, Gail Goepfert, Catharine Jones, Barbara Kreader, Ellen McKnight, and Betsy Merbitz. See attached Photograph.

Earlier Event: October 25
Later Event: November 16
TEN X TEN 2013